Molybdenum Prices Stabilized at A High Level, Ammonium Molybdate Price Gradually Followed Up

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International molybdenum market rose slightly, China's molybdenum market quietly watching

Molybdenum Trade Network September 5, 2018: In a stable few days after the international price of molybdenum rose again, the domestic molybdenum market is still stable atmosphere, market wait-and-see atmosphere is strong. As part of the price of imported iron and steel prices lower than expected, prompting the market more cautious mentality. However, the situation of environmental protection supervision and the spot supply of raw materials in molybdenum mines still have strong support for the stable price of molybdenum, and the quotations of major production enterprises have maintained a firm price.

International molybdenum market rose slightly

Overnight international molybdenum oxide prices rose slightly to $12.05-12.15 per pound of molybdenum, European ferromolybdenum prices rose slightly to $29.1-29.3 per kilogram. At present, when the annual meeting of the International Molybdenum Association was held, the trading activities in the international molybdenum market were slightly dull, and the low prices of the main merchants were obvious. Based on the good expectation of the international molybdenum supply and demand relationship in the future, the bullish voice of the international molybdenum market was mostly on the future market.

China molybdenum market calm watching

Molybdenum concentrate: high quality raw materials are still hard to purchase. It is understood that yesterday, the Inner Mongolia, Henan area of molybdenum mine transaction of molybdenum concentrate about 200 tons, some of which low-grade ore transaction price in the cash of 1850 yuan / ton, part of the long single execution contract. Spot supply, the current domestic high-quality spot molybdenum concentrate stocks are at a low level, although the production of large mines have been restored, but many mines have outstanding pre-contract orders.

Molybdenum iron: the price of imported iron is lower than expected. It is understood that yesterday, a steel plant in Jiangsu area bid for 60 tons of molybdenum iron, the price is half of the cash 131 thousand yuan / ton. A steel plant in Shanxi for bidding for molybdenum iron has not been announced and is currently bargaining. Relative to the weak performance of steel recruiting ferromolybdenum, the bulk market quotations of enterprises to maintain a strong, Liaoning bulk quotations are currently more in the cash of about 135-136,000 yuan / ton. In terms of market transactions, the specific performance is low price procurement, difficulty and high price sales pressure.