

The role of the bookshelf is to effectively increase the space for collecting books, it saves the line spacing between the traditional bookshelves and the bookshelves, and saves the space to go, so that more books can be placed in the limited space. The creative bookshelf with cultural flavor can add a charm to the reading corner, inject the antique Chinese style and elegant mood into the reading corner, so that the reading environment exudes a relaxed atmosphere of book fragrance, and also creates a reading space with rich cultural heritage.

Many furniture companies claim their products are “green,” a designation usually referring to material sourcing. Maybe their sofa frames are made out of dumpster-sourced scrap metal or their cushions are filled with used ticker tape. Responsible material sourcing is important, but it does not necessarily make something sustainable; that is, able to exist in perpetuity from an environmental and resource consumption standpoint.

To be considered sustainable furniture, it should be high quality and support a lifestyle with reduced energy and resource needs. You can have a piece of furniture made of the most responsibly sourced materials out there, but if it falls apart in a short time and winds up in a landfill, or if it is designed in such a way that it can only fit into a carbon-spewing, resource-gobbling McMansion, it’s not sustainable.When it comes to sustainability, size does matter. Here’s why.

One of the best ways, if not the best way of reducing our carbon footprints and natural resource consumption is to reduce the physical footprints of our homes.Smaller homes produce less operational carbon emissions, (e.g., heating and cooling) than larger homes and are less resource intensive to build.Smaller homes tend to discourage excessive consumerism mitigating that behavior’s attendant environmental impact.